Important Things to Consider When Retiring in Mexico

You can Retire In Paradise On A Budget
Retirement is looming large! What’s the best way to approach it? Obviously, the basics must be dealt with – finances, healthcare, and “what do I do with all that time.”
Presumably, you’ve got things you’d like to do with your new abundance of time – spend it with the grandkids, travel and see some of the places that you haven’t gotten to yet, learn a new __________ (fill in the blank: language, skill, sport, craft, culture . . .), devote more time to your hobby, share your skills and experience, or perhaps, you’d just like to “veg” for a bit before getting serious about retirement.
The foremost concern has to be your financial situation. Although, many people have had a retirement plan in place for years, in the past decade the foibles of the economy and the all-too-human plan managers have diminished, if not totally decimated, too many of those plans. Don’t let the recent economic upheaval ruin your retirement. There are options available.

If you haven’t done it yet, check out our budgeting tools, the Cost of Living Chart and the two interactive budget forms, the Estimate Budget Form and the Budget Planner Form on the Budget Forms page. But, bear in mind that the budgeting process using our forms does not include insurance protection of any kind, nor does it include any regular monthly payments (credit card, auto loan, mortgage), so you will have to factor them into your personalized budget using our “beginning” budget as a starting point.
Obviously, healthcare, car, and home (or renter’s) insurance is very important. If you’d like information specific to your situation, you can check with our friends at, who specialize in all kinds of insurance for expats, to see what kind of coverage you can get and for how much. Maybe, you’d like a passive approach to making some additional money.
Articles on Mexico retirement

Five Reasons To Visit Mexico In The Off-Season
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Listen To A Podcast On Mexico Featuring Ron Burdine
Click This link to listen to the interview now! Also, you can click here to download from iTunes to your device! Get the story from the man himself! Our founder, Ron Burdine was recently featured on the podcast “Choose to Retire in Mexico” with George Puckett. Choose to Retire in Mexico is a podcast that […]
Preparing a Mexican Will
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What To Do When a Loved One Passes Away in Mexico
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Investing in Single Premium Investment Annuities
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Annuities To Fund Your Retirement
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Filing U.S. Taxes as an Expatriate
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Mexico on My Mind Has Released Their New 2014 Mexico Relocation Guide
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Banking in Mexico
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Medicare and International Travel
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How Dangerous is Living in Mexico?
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Buying Real Estate in Mexico
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