People from all over the world are moving to Mexico making this country a melting pot of its very own! The reasons Mexico is so appealing to so many are varied and individual.
Some of the reasons we hear the most include the year-round warm weather, a slower pace of life, more time to pursue interests, living in a different culture and the natural beauty of this amazing country.
To get the most out of your Mexico experience, you need to be healthy and present. To be healthy and present, you need to take care of yourself on many different levels. Obviously that includes physical health, but you also want to be mentally and emotionally healthy, too. This is where the Health and Lifestyle section comes in!
Health and Lifestyle covers topics like physical fitness, nutrition, healthcare and community activities that bring people together in healthy ways like dance class, yoga and cooking classes. We hope you enjoy finding out how the international community in Mexico thrives!

Sunscreen is More Important than You Think!
Working as a doctor in playa del carmen I get calls from hotels and houses every day, I also see tourists and locals in my practice and in 3 years of experience in the Riviera Maya I can tell you that the top 3 reasons why non-locals call me are: Earache, diarrhea and sunburn. Do […]
If Your Visiting Mexico, Use Biodegradable Sunscreen
If your planning a trip to the Yucatan Peninsula, you are likely wanting to enjoy this area’s amazing crystal blue oceans and fresh water cenotes. Mexico works very hard to protect their cenotes as these naturally occurring freshwater wells are the area’s only major source of fresh water. When tourists swim in them with lotions and […]
A Healthy Snack Idea from Trader Joe's
We all know what a super food kale is, but what makes kale so special? Antioxidant Power Punch One cup of kale contains 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 15% of the daily requirement of calcium and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 40% of magnesium, 180% of vitamin A, 200% of vitamin C, and 1,020% of […]
There Are Health Benefits To Travel!
Travel should actually be considered a healthy activity since there are so many aspects to travel that engage your mind, body and soul. The next time you think about buying a new dish washer over taking a trip, consider this: Change From the Norm – We all know how it is to be stuck in a […]
A Healthy Travel Snack
You have done it! You have packed your bags and are on your way to Mexico! However, with all the travel stress you may be experiencing, you want to make sure to fuel your body correctly. Healthy snacking is a great way to make sure you aren’t fueling up on empty calories! Awareness of what […]
Three Tips To Staying Young
If your goal is to be as vibrant as possible into your 80’s and 90’s, you’ll want to continue to feed your mind, body and spirit throughout your life. After all, you want to enjoy your time in Mexico as much as you can! The mind, body and soul are all integrated and rely […]
What is Eating Clean?
You have probably heard the term “clean eating” by now in magazines and on t.v. shows like Dr. Oz. but you may be wondering what eating clean really means. There are levels to eating clean, but it basically means, “if it’s man made, don’t eat it.” The Typical American Diet The typical Western diet […]
Start Your Day Off On The Right Foot
Well, you can start your day off on the left foot too as long as you get moving! Exercising first thing in the morning assures nothing gets in the way of your work out later. We all know how our day can get swept away from us and derail the best intentions, so making morning […]
Get Moving, Get to the Beach!
Exercising on the beach is a great way to challenge your body because sand provides an uneven and shifting surface which makes working out all the more challenging. Your body has to work harder to balance, and although you may not realize it, causes you to use more muscles and burn more calories. You may […]
Wogging Is A Great Way To Build Stamina and Strength
We all know at this day and age that walking has a host of health benefits including cardiovascular as well as all-over toning. The good news is that when you either pick up your pace to speed walk, or you add a few minutes of jogging at a time, the health benefits improve even […]
Tamarind, A Natural, Healthy MexicanTreat
Tamarind is sold in grocery stores throughout Mexico in the produce section. You can buy Tamarind raw, right out of the bin, or bagged. It is also sold in small containers already melted down and gelled. In Mexico, Tamarind is used in sauces on fish and other dishes, or sold in various snack forms. Eaten naturally, […]
Holy Mole!
Chicken with mole sauce is a traditional Mexican dish combining chicken breasts with a rich chocolate-chile sauce spiced with cinnamon, cloves and coriander. Chicken Mole, made with chocolate, is not only rich with flavor but it’s also full of antioxidants and protein. To make a healthier version of the recipe above, remove the skin from […]
Three Easy Ways To Give Up Dieting
The team at Changes in Latitude Lifestyle know one thing for sure: Diets do not work. Forget about Nutri-System, Atkins, The Carb Lovers Diet, and my favorite…The Cookie Diet. None of these programs are going to change your eating habits in a sustainable, life changing manner. All of them will deliver short term results leaving you […]
Loosen Up!
If you have problems loosening up, follow these three easy steps: Relax, stretch and breath. The purpose of stretching is too loosen your muscles by increasing mobility and improve blood circulation. Stretching will warm up your body by increasing blood flow to muscles and joints which will lengthen and strengthen your muscles. For the best […]
The Benefits of Dance
If you are wanting to start an exercise program, but the idea of joining a gym does not excite you or isn’t even available in your area, why not try dance? There are a lot of physical and emotional benefits from dance! Physical Benefits of Dance We all know that exercise is one of the […]
Dark Chocolate is Heart Healthy!
Ticul, Mexico has a thriving chocolate plantation! If you are looking for a sweet treat that does not erode your commitment to healthy eating, have some dark chocolate. A small dark chocolate candy bar, or about half of a full-size candy bar each day is actually good for you! The reason is that dark chocolate […]
Chest pain – The Diagnosis!
By Kristin Eckland This is the second in a series on chest pain and chest pain emergencies. You’ve developed jaw pain and profuse sweating, and a sense of dread. You know something is wrong. Now what?!! Well, that depends on where you are. If you are in a rural area, you may not have a […]
Think Ahead Before Heading Out
Living in Mexico and being outside go hand and hand, and as all of us know, you don’t have to be sunbathing on a white sandy beach to get too much sun. Even ten minutes of unprotected exposure to sunlight can result in a sunburn. Activities that may unwittingly give you ten minutes or […]
You Can Do Yoga No Matter Where You Live!
You do not need to be a young or nimble to participate in yoga exercise. Many people worry they are too out of shape or too old to do yoga. But, the truth is, you are never too old to improve flexibility and strength, and yoga is a wonderful tool for increasing both. Strengthen Your Core Asanas are a […]
Meet Kristin Eckland!
By Kristin Eckland I never meant to end up in Mexico! At least, it wasn’t in the grand scheme of things to do in my life. But sometimes things don’t follow our best laid plans and it all works out just fine. A couple of years ago, I had a steady practice in my native Virginia […]
Chest Pain Emergencies!
By Kristin Eckland, Nurse Practioner and feature medical writer; blogs on thoracic surgery at and general surgical information and travel at This is the first in the series on chest pain emergencies. During this series we will talk about recognizing symptoms, where to go, what tests or treatments to expect, and what medications […]