Moving can be exciting and over-whelming at the same time, especially moving to a new country. Your extended “To Do” list can take a toll on your mind and your body. There is so much to do it can sometimes seem as if the list never ends.
When we have this kind of schedule to deal with, we often forget to eat, let alone exercise. Existing on adrenaline, caffeine and take-out is no way to live. And as soon as the rush is over, and the adrenaline subsides, the aches and pains settle in.
When you are in the middle of a move abroad, keep the big picture in mind, and keep yourself organized with lists. Let’s face it, the list will never be completed, so what isn’t accomplished today can be moved to the agenda for tomorrow. But, the most important thing to take care of is your health – and, that should never be deferred until tomorrow.
It is especially important to watch your diet during a move since the tendency is to default to the quickest, easiest way to fill ourselves up. Try to stay away from sugar and purchase healthy snacks that are easy to grab, but which offer nutritional value. Greek yogurt, almonds, apples, cottage cheese, pre-cut veggies and bags of salad are some great, easy meals that include protein and nutrients. To reduce caffeine, forgo that cup of coffee or soft drink for a bottle of mineral water with a squeeze of lime.
Getting to the gym may be “stretching it” during this time, but there are exercises that you can do at home, in just minutes a day, that will help relieve tension and increase circulation. While you are doing these quick exercises, take deep long breaths to further improve circulation and help clear your mind.
With a clear mind and relaxed body, you can focus clearly on your moving “to-do” list, concentrate on the most important tasks, and sleep more soundly knowing you did the best you could do today.